


光合成細菌Rhodobacter sphaeroides LH1-RC複合体中の新奇膜蛋白質(protein-U)同定
掲載雑誌 Nature communications  Volume 12, Pages 6300
タイトル A previously unrecognized membrane protein in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides LH1-RC Photocomplex.
著者 Kazutoshi Tani, Kenji V. P. Nagashima, Ryo Kanno, Saki Kawamura, Riku Kikuchi, Malgorzata Hall, Long-Jiang Yu, Michael T. Madigan, Yukihiro Kimura, Akira Mizoguchi, Bruno M. Humbel, Zheng-Yu Wang-Otomo
解説 研究成果は三重大学AMED日経バイオテクEditors’ Highlights webpageで紹介。
Rhodospirillum rubrumのLH1-RC複合体
掲載雑誌 Biochemistry  Volume 62, Pages 2483-2491
タイトル Cryo-EM Structure of the Photosynthetic LH1-RC Complex from Rhodospirillum rubrum.
著者 Kazutoshi Tani, Ryo Kanno, Xuan-Cheng Ji, Mizuki Takenouchi, Long-Jiang Yu, Yukihiro Kimura, Michael T. Madigan, Akira Mizoguchi, Bruno M. Humbel, Zheng-Yu Wang-Otomo
解説 研究成果は三重大学AMEDで紹介。
C. albicans のisocitrate lyase
掲載雑誌 J. Struct. Biol. Volume 213, Pages 107748
タイトル Structural insights into the targeting specificity of ubiquitin ligase for S. cerevisiae isocitrate lyase but not C. albicans isocitrate lyase.
著者 Keito Hiragia, Kazuya Nishioa, Shu Moriyama, Tasuku Hamaguchi, Akira Mizoguchi, Koji Yonekura, Kazutoshi Tani, Tsunehiro Mizushima


Thiorhodovibrio strain 970のLH1-RC複合体
掲載雑誌 Nature communications  Volume 11, Pages 4955
タイトル Cryo-EM structure of a Ca2+-bound photosynthetic LH1-RC complex containing multiple αβ-polypeptides.
著者 Kazutoshi Tani, Ryo Kanno, Yuki Makino, Malgorzata Hall, Mizuki Takenouchi, Michie Imanishi, Long-Jiang Yu, Jorg Overmann, Michael T. Madigan, Yukihiro Kimura, Akira Mizoguchi, Bruno M. Humbel, Zheng-Yu Wang-Otomo
掲載雑誌 Science Advances  Volume 6, Pages eaax3157
タイトル Cryo-EM structures of undocked innexin-6 hemichannels in phospholipids.
著者 Batuujin Burendei, Ruriko Shinozaki, Masakatsu Watanabe, Tohru Terada, Kazutoshi Tani, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Atsunori Oshima


掲載雑誌 Journal of Structral Biology  Volume 205, Issue 1, 1 January 2019, Pages 11-21
タイトル Structural insights into thermostabilization of leucine dehydrogenase from its atomic structure by cryo-electron microscopy.
著者 Hiroki Yamaguchi, Akiko Kamegawa, Kunio Nakata, Tatsuki Kashiwagi, Toshimi Mizukoshi, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi, Kazutoshi Tani


線虫由来ギャップ結合チャネル イネキシン-6
掲載雑誌 Nature commnuications  Volume 7,Article number: 13681
タイトル Atomic structure of the innexin-6 gap junction channel determined by cryo-EM.
著者 Atsunori Oshima, Kazutoshi Tani, Yoshinori Fujiyoshi



  筑波大学・計算科学研究センター 谷 一寿